Terms & Conditions

These Terms and Conditions govern the Bertolli Win a Holiday promotion, offering entrants chances to win one of 5 x £5000 / €5000 www.lastminute.com/ holidays with every promotional pack purchased and the opportunity to receive £50/€50 voucher code off lastminute.com with every pack (the “Promotion”). These Terms and Conditions prevail in the event of any conflict or inconsistency with any other communications, including advertising or promotional materials for the Promotion. Entry instructions are deemed to form part of the Terms and Conditions and by participating, entrants agree to be bound by these Terms and Conditions.

Promoter: Upfield Foods UK Limited, 4th Floor, 14-21 Rushworth Street, London, SE1 0RB, is the "Promoter" 

Administrator: TLC UK Marketing Ltd, 54 Baker Street, London, W1U 7BU is the “Administrator" 

Prize Provider: TUI UK Limited, Wigmore House, Wigmore Lane, Luton, LU2 9TN. Registered in England No: 2830117. ATOL No: 2524. ABTA No: V5126.  

1. Eligibility: The Promotion is open to all residents of the UK and Republic of Ireland aged 18+. Excludes employees of the Promoter and the Administrator and their respective affiliates or agents (which includes the Prize Provider), the immediate families of such employees and any other person connected with this Promotion. Max 10 entries per person, across the Promotional Period. Max 1 prize per person. Internet access required. Purchase necessary for UK. No purchase necessary for Republic or Ireland. Retain receipt (for UK) showing date of purchase during the Promotional Period and prior to date of entry.  

2. Purchase Period: 00:01 1st April 2024 - 23:59 24th June 2024. Customers must have purchased their packs within this time. 

Entry Period (or the “Promotional Period”): 00:01 1st April 2024 - 23:59 24th July 2024 (the “Closing Date”). Entries submitted after the Closing Date will be rejected.  


3. How to participate:  

UK: To enter the prize draw, entrants must purchase a promotional pack of Bertolli from participating retailers during the Purchase Period then: 

  1. Visit the promotional website www.bertolliwinaholiday.co.uk, register their details including 1) first name, 2) surname, 3) email address and 4) batch code found on the lid of the pack. A PNG or JPEG image of the purchase receipt must then be uploaded. This should clearly show; 
    1. The time and date of purchase (during the Purchase Period and prior to date of entry) 
    2. The qualifying Bertolli product purchased 
    3. The name of the participating retailer 

      Once submitted, this receipt will be considered as final, and validity will be judged on the image uploaded.  
  2. Upon submitting their valid details entrants will be sent an email with their £50 off voucher code to redeem on lastminute.com via the email address provided on entry. 
  3. Winners will be verified based on the receipt they submitted into the prize draw. 
  4. Only genuine batch codes printed on promotional packs can be used. Batch codes cannot be sold or transferred. Any attempts to undermine the use of genuine batch codes in this Promotion will mean disqualification of entry. 

ROI: For Republic of Ireland - no purchase necessary (NPN) route: 

  1. ROI entrants must complete the NPN form found on the ROI section of the promotional website to enter the prize draw. To complete the form, entrants will need to submit their 1) first name, 2) surname, 3) email address and 4) Eircode by the Closing Date. ROI entrants will be able to claim ten (10) free entries throughout the Promotional Period. Max 1 prize per person. ROI entries may be asked to verify their residency.   
  2. ROI entrants will then be sent an email to the address they registered, which will contain their €50 voucher code to redeem on lastminute.com.  
  3. ROI entrants will be automatically entered into the prize draw. 


Incomplete, illegible, invalid or misdirected entries will not be accepted. Proof of sending will not be accepted as proof of delivery. The Promoter takes no responsibility for entries delayed, incomplete or lost due to technical reasons or otherwise.  


Entrants who make an entry on someone else’s behalf will be disqualified, at the Promoter’s discretion. 


Any prizes may not be claimed by a third party on your behalf. 


4. Participating retailers online and in-store: Those retailers in which Promotional products were purchased. 

5. Promotional products (subject to availability and whilst stocks last): 


6. The Prizes:  

Prize draw prizes: 5 x lastminute.com holidays worth £5000/€5000 available to be won. Prize will be in the form of a gift card to spend on lastminute.com and is valid until 30th June 2025. The trip departure date can be after the voucher expiry date. 


No cash or other alternative prize or offer will be provided in whole or in part, except that in the event of circumstances outside of its control the Promoter reserves the right to substitute a similar prize or offer of equal or greater value.  


7. The Offer:  

£50/€50 off voucher code: Each valid entrant will receive 1 x £50/€50 voucher code to spend on lastminute.com within 3 working days of submitting a valid entry via the email address provided on entry. You can claim your discount voucher up to 31st December 2024. The trip departure date can be after the voucher expiry date. 


8. Winner Selection: The following processes will be followed for the winner selection of the prize draw in this Promotion. 


The Prize draw prize: The 5 prize winners will be selected from all valid entries at random under supervision of an independent person on 25th July 2024 and win the prize detailed in clause 6.  


9. Notifying winners of the prize draw prize: Winners will be contacted by email to the address previously provided within 3 working days of the draw date. In order to accept their prize, the winner must reply by email within 14 days of being contacted and provide their county of residence for the purposes of announcing them as a winner if no objection is received. If a winner does not confirm acceptance of their prize within 14 days of being initially contacted, is ineligible or rejects the prize, they will lose the right to claim their prize and the prize will be reallocated to another chosen winner in accordance with the process described at clause 9 above. The process will repeat until an eligible winner is able to claim the prize. Entrants are encouraged to monitor their email account during this time in case they are a winner.  


10. Receipt Validation: Once the winners have been selected, their receipt will be subject to validation. When uploading their receipt, entrants should ensure that the image is clear, legible and in focus with the product, date and retailer clearly visible. The receipt must show date of purchase during the Purchase Period and prior to date of entry. Receipts that do not meet these criteria will be invalid and will not be accepted under any circumstance. It is the entrant’s responsibility to ensure that the receipt they upload upon registration are genuine as receipts cannot be amended at a later date.  


11. Delivery of Prizes: The Administrator will request permission to provide the name and email address of each winner to the Prize Provider within 7 days after valid claim and the completion of the verification process. The Prize Provider will then contact the winners within 14 days of receiving winner details to book the holiday and administer the £5000/€5000 discount. If permission is not received, the prize will be forfeit and will be reallocated to another chosen winner in accordance with the process described at clause 9 above.  


12. Each receipt is valid for one (1) entry only. There are opportunities to participate in the Promotion by purchasing additional promotional packs during the Purchase Period and entering with a new receipt. Max ten (10) entries across the Promotional Period per person.  

13. There will be a maximum of one (1) win honoured per person. Additional wins that exceed this limit will be disqualified and the winner will be redrawn.   

14. It is the responsibility of the entrant to provide correct, up-to-date details when entering the Promotion and accepting their prize. The Promoter cannot be held responsible for winners failing to supply accurate information which affects prize acceptance or delivery of their prize or offer.  

15. The prizes and offer are non-transferable, cannot be resold, auctioned or exchanged and cannot be redeemed in whole or part for cash. 

16. Any additional costs which may be incurred in this Promotion in the context of participation, such as internet costs, and other additional services that go beyond those described services for prize or offer fulfilment are not included in the prize or offer and must be paid by entrants separately.  

17. The Promoter reserves the right to verify the eligibility of entrants. The Promoter may require such information as it considers reasonably necessary for this purpose and a prize may be withheld until the Promoter is satisfied with the verification. 


18. Winners may be requested to participate in reasonable publicity arising from the Promotion. 


19. The Promoter will make available a list of winners’ surnames and counties of residence to members of the public or regulators who request such details within 3 months of the closing date of this Promotion. Entrants can object to disclosure, or request that disclosure be limited in scope by contacting bertolliwinaholiday@tlcrewards.com. We may nevertheless disclose the information to the Advertising Standards Authority if required to do so. You may request a copy of the winners list by emailing bertolliwinaholiday@tlcrewards.com. The Promoter reserves the right to refuse such requests.  


20. The Promotion will not be open to you, and your entry will be deemed invalid, if: 

  1. You reside outside of the UK. 
  2. You have not purchased a qualifying pack of Bertolli and uploaded your receipt via the promotional website during the Promotional Period. 
  3. You have not completed all requested entry fields on the promotional website correctly. 
  4. You have failed in any way to otherwise comply with these Terms and Conditions as determined by the Promoter in its sole discretion. 

21. All entries must be made by the entrant themselves. Entries (bulk or otherwise) made from trade, consumer groups or third parties will not be accepted. Entries by macros or other automated means (including systems which can be programmed to enter), and entries which do not satisfy the requirements of these Terms and Conditions in full will be disqualified and will not be counted. If it becomes apparent that an entrant is using a computer(s) to circumvent this condition by, for example, the use of ‘script’, ‘brute force’, masking their identity by manipulating IP addresses, using identities other than their own or any other automated means in order to increase that entrant’s entries into the draw in a way that is not consistent with the spirit of the Promotion, that entrant’s entries will be disqualified and any prize(s) awarded or offer received will be void. The Promoter and Administrator reserves the right to investigate and undertake all such action, as is reasonable, to protect itself against fraudulent or invalid entries including, without limitation, to require entrants to provide further verification. In addition, the Promoter and the Administrator reserves the right to reject those entries which it considers, in its absolute discretion, are fraudulent or invalid.  


22. All correspondence regarding this offer should be directed to the Administrator, marked “Bertolli – Win a Holiday”. If for any reason you encounter a problem, please visit the bertolliwinaholiday@tlcrewards.com.

23. Insofar as permitted by law, neither the Promoter, the Administrator, their agents or distributors will in any circumstances be responsible or liable to compensate any entrant, or accept any liability for personal loss, damage or injury suffered by any entrant entering the Promotion or as a result of accepting the prize or offer. Your statutory rights are unaffected. Nothing shall exclude the Promoter’s liability for death or personal injury as a result of its negligence.

24. In the event of circumstances outside the reasonable control of the Promoter, or otherwise where fraud, abuse, and/or an error (human or computer) affects or could affect the proper operation of this Promotion, and only where circumstances make this unavoidable, the Promoter reserves the right to void, suspend, cancel or amend the Promotion or these terms and conditions, at any stage, but will always endeavour to minimise the effect to entrants to avoid undue disappointment.

25. The Promoter has no control over internet or communication networks and is not liable for any problems associated with them due to traffic congestion, technical malfunction or otherwise. The Promoter will not be held liable to any individual for any fraud committed by any third party nor for any event beyond its control including, but not limited to, user error and any network, computer, hardware or software failures of any kind which may restrict, delay or prevent a participant’s entry to the Promotion.

26. If any of these clauses should be determined to be illegal, invalid or otherwise unenforceable then it shall be severed and deleted from these Terms and Conditions and the remaining clauses shall survive and remain in full force and effect.

27. These Terms and Conditions and any question concerning the legal interpretation of these Terms and Conditions will be governed by the laws of England and Wales. Any disputes must be referred to the English and Welsh courts. 

28. The Administrator and the Prize Provider are responsible for fulfilling all prizes and the offer. Any data captured in the fulfilment of the Promotion by The Administrator and the Prize Provider will only be used for validation of entries and for the fulfilment of prizes and the offer, unless we have your consent. Your personal details will at all times be kept confidential. Data will be stored for up to 3 months from the campaign end date, after which it will deleted. Your personal details will at all times be kept confidential and in accordance with current Data Protection legislation. Click here for the Administrator’s Privacy Policy. You can request access to your personal data, or have any inaccuracies rectified, by sending an email to lets.talk@tlcmarketing.com. By participating in the Promotion, you agree to the use of your personal data as described here. The Promoter is the personal data controller and will only process your personal information as set out at https://upfield.com/privacypolicy/en.html. See Condition 20, with regard to the announcement of winners. Winners data for lastminute.com discount prizes will be held by lastminute.com and used in accordance with these terms and conditions and lastminute.com’s Privacy Notice available at https://www.lastminute.com/en/info/privacy/bravonext.html 

29. The Promoter’s decision regarding any aspect of the Promotion is final and binding.

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